Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Yes You Can!

I have decided to set a new goal for myself and in order to ensure that I accomplish the goal I decided I needed to hold myself accountable for it by making it public on my blog. So what is this new goal you ask...I am going to run a marathon...an actual 26.2 mile marathon. This goal is a little crazy, especially for me. I don't run. Throughout most of my elementary and high school days I was the girl who finished last or next to last in those mandatory one mile runs. Why is this? Because I have always been a fat kid at heart. I like to eat, watch tv or read a book, and sleep. Now I bake and do crafts. None of those activities involve any exercise and there has been a reason for that. But now, I'm 28...almost 30. When I was 26 I was finishing up my JD. When I was 27 I was planning my wedding. Now I'm 28 and what am doing...nothing. I'm working. I'm about to buy a house. But what am I doing? Not enough is the answer. I figure I need to have a goal each year and this is my new goal. I will run a marathon before my 29th birthday. Right now my target date is December. This sounds impossible, but I was told by my marathoner/triathlete/iron man friend that it's doable. She said you can train in five months if you want to, but I'm going to be more realistic.

Tomorrow is definitely the beginning of a new day. :-)

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