Thursday, November 30, 2006

lawyers and doctors

i just finished watching tonight's gray's anatomy. and now i'm watching ER, a show i haven't seen in years. it used to be my favorite show back when i wanted to be a doctor. i've wanted to be a doctor since before i can remember. how i ended up being lawyer who knows. all i know is that somewhere between the time i started watching ER in 7th grade and the time i stopped in college i quit wanting to be a doctor. i told myself that it was not what i wanted. but who knows what you want. you shouldn't do things you want to do. when i do what i want to do i end up procrastinating and not doing the things i should be doing. now i'm a lawyer. it's a nice career. it sounds nice out loud, "I'm a lawyer." whether it's better than being a doctor, i don't know. all i know is that i am a lawyer and not a doctor. and i suppose i will never know. i sometimes wonder if i knew then what i know now about what it means to be a lawyer versus a doctor, would i still have chosen the path i did? it's like the movie sliding doors. i missed the first door. and now i sit wondering what might have happened. and who i might have met along the way.

snow days

snow days. they remind me of minnesota, climbing snow mountains (everything is a mountain when you're seven years old), and snow ball fights. my last snow ball fight was as a freshman in college at OU. the entire school shut down and there was a massive snowball fight at the dorms. it was fantastic. i think i love the snow more than rain. if that is even possible. my favorite movie scenes involve snow or rain. my number one is from a chinese movie, tan mau nhuom bai thuong hai, where the two leads meet on the steps at a park during the first snow of the season. it is the most romantic scene ever.
the picture i posted is when i went to colorado two summers ago. yes, i said summer. it was the beginning of july. it was warm that morning as we were heading up to rockies and then by middle of the morning it snowed. it wasn't cold but yet it covered everything in the most perfect way. and then by the evening all the snow melted and it. we were there for a week but we experienced three seasons. now that its snowing here, which it almost never does, i'm sitting at the dining room table finishing depositions and a trial brief for week and i feel nostalgiac for those snow days i had when i was in school. back then snow days meant laying around all day snuggled up doing nothing in particular. now snow days mean i have to do work at home. which i guess is a nice change from the office.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

christmas songs

It's not christmas unless I do two Love Actually and constantly hum christmas songs. I've already watched Love Actually over thanksgiving and I'll probably do that at least two more times. And now I indulged in the insanity and downloaded christmas music for my itunes. My brother and I have this silly custom of singing christmas songs at random. We can be watching tv and all of sudden break into song complete with hand motions. It's pretty crazy, but if you can't be yourself at christmas when can you, huh?
My faves...Last Christmas by Wham! and the Chipmunks Christmas Song

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

phi dee

OU Alpha Chapter | Thanksgiving 2006

Here's a pic from Alpha Chapter. College feels like it was an eternity ago. But for me college memories will live in with my sorority. I think that's all we as Founders wanted was to leave a little piece of ourselves behind. And we accomplished with flying colors. I only wish more Founders had stuck around and seen what had become of our group. Despite all the tough times we had to go through, nothing makes me feel as wonderful as hearing girls speak so proudly about Phi Dee. At the time I thought it was just wishful thinking to assume anyone would take the time to memorize stuff I put on paper. And I always thought that the girls would never see the value of a ceremony. But seeing the girls now get so excited just to wear our colors is a feeling that no one can understand. Phi Dee will always be my number one!

new sisters

This semester something incredible has happened. A new chapter is starting at UCO. Five years ago I helped found the very first Asian Interest Sorority in Oklahoma, Phi Delta Alpha. We started it from the ground up, developed symbols and rituals, a whole philosophy. We dreamed of coming back years from now and seeing girls wearing our letters and learning about our history. I know. It sounds incredibly strange to say you started a sorority. But that's exactly what happened. What's weirder is that I roped my boyfriend in and he created Oklahoma's first Asian Interest fraternity, Tau Kappa Omega.'s been over five years and Alpha chapter just crossed their Iota class, we created a Multi Cultural Greek Council at OU, and now we've started a Beta Chapter. Technically they're not a chapter yet, but that is only a matter of time. They are all so sweet and enthusiastic. I'm so proud of all my sisters and my soon to be sisters. The next five years will only get better. Five more chapters? Or is that just wishful thinking...

BTW: At the time I didn't know that I would go to law school and become a member of Phi Alpha Delta otherwise I would have never okayed that name.