Tuesday, November 28, 2006

new sisters

This semester something incredible has happened. A new chapter is starting at UCO. Five years ago I helped found the very first Asian Interest Sorority in Oklahoma, Phi Delta Alpha. We started it from the ground up, developed symbols and rituals, a whole philosophy. We dreamed of coming back years from now and seeing girls wearing our letters and learning about our history. I know. It sounds incredibly strange to say you started a sorority. But that's exactly what happened. What's weirder is that I roped my boyfriend in and he created Oklahoma's first Asian Interest fraternity, Tau Kappa Omega. Anyways...it's been over five years and Alpha chapter just crossed their Iota class, we created a Multi Cultural Greek Council at OU, and now we've started a Beta Chapter. Technically they're not a chapter yet, but that is only a matter of time. They are all so sweet and enthusiastic. I'm so proud of all my sisters and my soon to be sisters. The next five years will only get better. Five more chapters? Or is that just wishful thinking...

BTW: At the time I didn't know that I would go to law school and become a member of Phi Alpha Delta otherwise I would have never okayed that name.

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