Thursday, November 30, 2006

snow days

snow days. they remind me of minnesota, climbing snow mountains (everything is a mountain when you're seven years old), and snow ball fights. my last snow ball fight was as a freshman in college at OU. the entire school shut down and there was a massive snowball fight at the dorms. it was fantastic. i think i love the snow more than rain. if that is even possible. my favorite movie scenes involve snow or rain. my number one is from a chinese movie, tan mau nhuom bai thuong hai, where the two leads meet on the steps at a park during the first snow of the season. it is the most romantic scene ever.
the picture i posted is when i went to colorado two summers ago. yes, i said summer. it was the beginning of july. it was warm that morning as we were heading up to rockies and then by middle of the morning it snowed. it wasn't cold but yet it covered everything in the most perfect way. and then by the evening all the snow melted and it. we were there for a week but we experienced three seasons. now that its snowing here, which it almost never does, i'm sitting at the dining room table finishing depositions and a trial brief for week and i feel nostalgiac for those snow days i had when i was in school. back then snow days meant laying around all day snuggled up doing nothing in particular. now snow days mean i have to do work at home. which i guess is a nice change from the office.

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