Friday, July 3, 2009

fast forward

June has been a crazy month. Went to Houston for a wedding. Closed on a new house. Went to Jackson Hole for a wedding. Still slowly packing/unpacking, purchasing, painting and rearranging. And heading off to Vietnam in a few days. Jackson Hole was amazing! Best wedding ever. So beautiful and so much fun. And met some really awesome people. I'm hoping Paul has some great pics to share. I will have to scan in our crazy polaroids from the the reception. They were too funny.

One thing that is not going so well is my marathon training, with all the stuff going on. But I managed to run this morning so maybe things are going to start looking up.

What's funny is it is exactly one year since we moved into our apartment, now we're moving to a new house. It's crazy to think about how much has happened this year. The trips, the dinner parties, and all the lazy Sunday afternoons. It has definitely been an interesting year.

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